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Finance your professional project with the CPF (Personal Training Account).

CPF Financing

Successfully achieve your professional project with the CPF Driving license financed with training rights.

Under the law of September 5, 2018, for the freedom to choose one's professional future, the opportunity to prepare for a car driving license (excluding B1 and BE licenses) or heavy-duty group, freight transport (C, C1 C1E), passenger transport (D, D1, D1E) is among the eligible training courses under the CPF.

This scheme is accessible to everyone: Jobseekers, Apprentices over 15 years old, Employees under fixed-term or permanent contracts, temporary workers, full-time, part-time, seasonal, intermittent workers in the entertainment industry, Independent workers.

WARNING: To be taken into account, the hours acquired under the DIF must be integrated into the CPF by the employee before 12/31/2020."

Financement CPF

The conditions for using CPF rights:

  1. Obtaining a driving license must contribute to access to employment, its sustainability, or enable the realization of a professional project.

  2. The CPF holder must not be subject to a suspension of their license or a prohibition from applying for a license.

  3. The training must be provided by a driving school meeting specific criteria, namely:

  • Being referenced in Datadock
  • Being referenced by funding organizations
  • Having completed its activity declaration.

The steps to use CPF rights:

  1. Check the amount you have by activating your personal activity account.

  2. Request an estimated quote for the number of hours needed and the expected cost of your training from an approved Datadock-accredited driving school.

Note: The number of hours for a manual transmission vehicle is a minimum of 20 hours, and for an automatic transmission, it is a minimum of 13 hours.

  1. Create the training file on the website

  2. Submit the file to the OPCO (Joint Collection and Payment Organization) you belong to as an employee or to your contact person if you are a job seeker.

Note: In cases where CPF rights are not sufficient to finance the entire training, additional funding options are possible.